The First Step to Breaking the Resistance to Change: Pay Attention to Your Behaviors

Last week, we described Immunity-to-Change, the culprit behind resisting the change we seek.  This week we delve into how to recognize the behaviors that sabotage our goals.

How do I identify the behaviors?

The first step to understanding Immunity-to-Change is to write down your improvement goal. Next to it, write the daily behaviors/actions that undermine it. For example, you aim to establish healthy boundaries. Instead, you default to saying yes to all requests,  checking email all day, and avoiding conflict by not speaking your truth. Can you see how those behaviors undermine the goal of healthy boundaries?

Applying the concept to your life

For the next week, pay attention to your undermining behaviors. 

  1. At the end of each night, ask yourself: What prompted those behaviors?

  2. At the end of the week, look for patterns across the behaviors. Ask yourself: Why did I participate in this behaviors within these contexts?

With this new knowledge, you’re able to start interrupting the behaviors and replacing them with actions that support your goal. You are one layer deeper into understanding the conscious and subconscious factors thwarting your goals.  This activity sets you up for next week’s blog on tackling fears! Happy Tracking! 

Keep following our blog for tools to break your Immunity-to-Change!

 With love and solidarity, 

Dr. Annice E. Fisher 

Founder, The BEE FREE Woman

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Annice Fisher